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The Business Case for Email Archive Migrations

Sep 6, 2019 by Jason Jacobo

Two businessmen stood above a mountain of emails, debating the benefits of email archive migrations

The benefits of migrating your IT infrastructure to Office 365 are well-documented, with increased flexibility and cloud collaboration chief among them. Yetemail archive migrations are often an afterthought, an “Oh yeah, I guess we should do that as well,” rather than a key driver for change. 

However, there are multiple benefits to migrating email archives alongside live mailboxes, and listed below are a few reasons why your organization should make this a priority. 

The Benefits of Email Archive Migrations

Superior Scalability 

While it’s crucial to consolidate and cut back on unnecessary archives, as time passes and your organization grows, so too will the storage quotas and costs of on-prem archiving systems. 

However, athe capacity of these solutions become strainedscalability can be problematic, requiring heavy investment in both hardware and support. 

Alternatively, choosing to migrate your email archives to Office 365 opens you up to an ‘on-demand’ world of instant scalability at a fraction of the cost, allowing you to work smarter and faster. 

Enhanced eDiscovery 

Centralizing all data in one system ensures speedy resolutions to search queries, which can be time-consuming, inconsistent and prone to error when legacy content is pulled from different environments. 

Migrating email archives not only improves the user experience for day-to-day tasks, it also ensures all records and reporting are accurate from a legal standpoint, crucial in times of conflict resolution and ensuring compliance with regulations such as Europe’s GDPR. 

Future-proof Technology 

As digital transformations gather pace, the whole world is steadily moving IT operations to the cloud. Even in regions where cloud-adoption has been slower, there’s a growing sense that mass-migration is simply a question of when rather than if. 

A casualty of this trend has been the decline of traditional archive vendors, with many scaling back development, retiring their onpremises solutions, or completely going out businessThe cost of maintaining legacy platforms, coupled with dwindling expertise has forced the issue, expediting the rise of cloud archiving. 

Our customers often report huge cost savings from retiring legacy systems and moving archives to the cloud. Here are two case studies you should take note of:

  1. Cosmetics giant saves $2.2million over three years by moving EV archives to Office 365
  2. IOT saves $500K annually migrating EV to O365

The risk of system failure is naturally lower within Microsoft’s cloud infrastructure, as it’s continually developedupdated, refined and enhanced 

Exchange Online, for example, is now mature enough to accommodate huge volumes of data, meaning large enterprises are increasingly opting to bring their email archives ‘home’ rather than use third-party platforms, such as Enterprise Vault.   

In theory, it’s a future-proof solution that will grow with your organization. 

A Managed Email Archive Migration Service 

We’ve outlined some of the major factors influencing email archive migrations, so if you want to follow the crowd and move archives to the cloud, our managed migration service can get you there. 

We offer a fast, reliable, ‘fixed-cost, fixed-outcome’ solution to help you hit every milestone you need to meet, with market-leading technology and excellent customer support ratings. 

Book a Discovery Call today to learn more about our solutions from one of our archive migration experts.